Wednesday, September 29, 2010


     Hieroglyphics are believed to date back as far as 3000BC. The language was used throughout six primary periods in Egypt and is thought to have included thousands of symbols collectively throughout its existance. They were not all used in the same time period but roughly 700 symbols were used at once, some holding multiple meanings, making the language very difficult to learn. A single symbol could hold up to three meanings which could be phonetic or a representation of the picture depicted. The language began to fade after the Roman Empire began its rule of the Egyptian nation.
     Papyrus paper was created as an easier medium to write on other than stone. It was made using the Papyrus plant, a triangular reed which symbolized ancient lower Egypt.  Papyrus was also used for mattresses, building chairs, tables, mats, baskets, and other furniture. Its root was a source of food, medicine, and perfume. It grows in freshwater marshes along the river Nile.

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